
Definition: Meaning of, mom in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / mɒm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
mom moms
[countable] [American English] [informal]
  1. mother [=  mum British English]
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mom used in phrases

  • mom-and-pop (adjective)
    1. American English a mom-and-pop business is owned and managed by a family or a husband and wife
  • security mom (noun)
    1. an American mother who believes that protecting the US and its citizens from TERRORISM is the most important thing that the US government can do
  • soccer mom (noun)
    1. a mother who spends a lot of time driving her children to sports practice, music lessons etc, considered as a typical example of women from the middle to upper classes in US society
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