
Definition: Meaning of, mo. in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / məʊ /

  • synonym
  • antonym
[American English]
  1. the written abbreviation of month
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mo. used in phrases

  • Dieu et mon droit
    1. a French phrase meaning God and my right, which is the MOTTO on the British royal family's COAT OF ARMS
  • MOD
    1. the abbreviation of the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
  • MOT (noun)
    1. a test in Britain that all cars more than three years old must pass every year in order to show that they are still safe to be driven
  • MOT test (noun)
    1. a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
  • MOU
    1. memorandum Of Understanding
  • Mod (noun)
    1. British English member of a group of young people in Britain in the 1960s who wore a particular type of neat clothes and drove MOTOR SCOOTERS [↪  rocker]
    2. a Gaelic FESTIVAL of music and poetry held in Scotland every year
  • Mon (noun)
    1. the second day of the week; the first working day
    2. the Mon-Khmer language spoken by the Mon
  • Mon-Khmer (noun)
    1. a branch of the Austro-Asiatic languages
  • Mon.
    1. the written abbreviation of Monday
  • Munda-Mon-Khmer (noun)
    1. a family of languages spoken in southern and southeastern Asia
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