
Definition: Meaning of, missile in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɪsʌɪl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
missile missiles
  1. a weapon that can fly over long distances and that explodes when it hits the thing it has been aimed at
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  2. an object that is thrown at someone in order to hurt them
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missile used in phrases

  • Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (noun)
    1. an agency in the Department of Defense that is responsible for making ballistic missile defence a reality
  • Cuban missile crisis, the
    1. a dangerous situation which developed in 1962 when the Soviet Union began to build bases for nuclear missiles in Cuba. US President John F. Kennedy complained to the Soviet government, stopped all ships from going to Cuba, and threatened to take military action. This caused a lot of international anxiety, but after a few days the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missile base
  • air-to-air missile (noun)
    1. a missile designed to be launched from one aeroplane at another
  • air-to-ground missile (noun)
    1. a missile designed to be launched from an aeroplane at a target on the ground
  • air-to-surface missile (noun)
    1. a missile designed to be launched from an aeroplane at a target on the ground
  • antiballistic missile (noun)
    1. a defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles
  • ballistic missile (noun)
    1. a powerful weapon that can travel extremely long distances, and that flies very high up into the sky and then back down to earth where it explodes
  • basic point defense missile system (noun)
    1. a shipboard missile system
  • cruise missile (noun)
    1. a large explosive weapon that flies close to the ground and can be aimed at something hundreds of kilometres away
  • fleet ballistic missile submarine (noun)
    1. a submarine carrying ballistic missiles
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