
Definition: Meaning of, meat in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / miːt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
meat meats
  1. [uncountable and countable] the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food
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  2. [uncountable] something interesting or important in a talk, book, film etc
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  3. somebody doesn't have much meat on him/her British English ; need some (more) meat on your bones American English informal used to say that someone looks very thin
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  4. one man's meat is another man's poison used to say that something that one person likes may not be liked by someone else
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  5. be easy meat British English informal if someone is easy meat, they are easy to defeat, deceive, or hurt
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  6. the meat and potatoes American English informal the most important or basic parts of a discussion, decision, piece of work etc
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  7. be meat and drink to somebody British English to be something that someone enjoys doing or finds very easy to do because they have done it many times before
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meat used in phrases

  • baked meat (noun)
    1. a pie
    2. cooked food, especially a meat pie
  • canned meat (noun)
    1. meat preserved in a can or tin
  • coconut meat (noun)
    1. the edible white meat of a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries
  • cut of meat (noun)
    1. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
  • dark meat (noun)
    1. the flesh of the legs of fowl used as food
  • in vitro meat (noun)
    1. lab-grown synthetic meat
  • jerked meat (noun)
    1. especially beef meat cut in strips and dried in the sun
  • lunch meat (noun)
    1. any of various sausages or moulded loaf meats sliced and served cold
  • luncheon meat (noun)
    1. meat that has been cooked, then pressed down, and is often sold in a can
  • meat and potatoes (noun)
    1. the fundamental part
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word of the day

Pronunciation: kalˈdiːə
Parts of Speech: noun
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