
Definition: Meaning of, mask in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / mɑːsk /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
mask masks
  1. something that covers all or part of your face, to protect or to hide it
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  2. something that covers your face, and has another face painted on it, which is used for ceremonies or special occasions
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  3. [usually singular] an expression or way of behaving that hides your real emotions or character [=  front]
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  4. a substance that you put on your face and leave there for a short time to clean the skin or make it softer [=  face pack]
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
mask masked masked
Present Participle Third Person Singular
masking masks
  1. if a smell, taste, sound etc is masked by a stronger one, it cannot be noticed because of the stronger one
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  2. to hide your feelings or the truth about a situation
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  3. to cover or hide something so that it cannot be clearly seen
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mask used in phrases

  • Man in the Iron Mask, the
    1. a man who was kept as a prisoner in the Bastille, a prison in Paris, who died there in 1703. His face was always kept hidden by a MASK, and some people believe that he was the brother of the French king Louis XIV, but this is probably not true.
  • bar mask (noun)
    1. a catcher's mask with bars
  • birdcage mask (noun)
    1. a catcher's mask with a strong wire face
  • catcher's mask (noun)
    1. a mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball
  • death mask (noun)
    1. a model of a dead person's face, made by covering their face with a soft substance and letting it become hard
  • eye mask (noun)
    1. a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
  • face mask (noun)
    1. mask that provides a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball, football or hockey
  • fencer's mask (noun)
    1. a face mask made of fine mesh that is worn over a fencer's face
  • fencing mask (noun)
    1. a face mask made of fine mesh that is worn over a fencer's face
  • gas mask (noun)
    1. a piece of equipment worn over your face to protect you from poisonous gases
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