
Definition: Meaning of, marmot in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɑːmət /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
marmot marmots
  1. a small European or American animal with fur and short front legs which lives under the ground
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marmot used in phrases

  • flying marmot (noun)
    1. east Indian flying squirrel
  • hoary marmot (noun)
    1. large North American mountain marmot
  • prairie marmot (noun)
    1. any of several rodents of North American prairies living in large complex burrows having a barking cry
  • whistling marmot (noun)
    1. large North American mountain marmot
  • yellowbelly marmot (noun)
    1. heavy-bodied yellowish-brown marmot of rocky areas of western North America
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