
Definition: Meaning of, locust in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈləʊkəst /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
locust locusts
  1. an insect that lives mainly in Asia and Africa and flies in a very large group, eating and destroying crops
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locust used in phrases

  • black locust (noun)
    1. strong stiff wood of a black-locust tree; very resistant to decay
    2. large thorny tree of eastern and central United States having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of white flowers; widely naturalized in many varieties in temperate regions
  • bristly locust (noun)
    1. large shrub or small tree of the eastern United States having bristly stems and large clusters of pink flowers
  • clammy locust (noun)
    1. small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds
  • honey locust (noun)
    1. tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World
  • locust bean (noun)
    1. long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute
  • locust pod (noun)
    1. long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute
  • locust tree (noun)
    1. any of various hardwood trees of the family Leguminosae
  • migratory locust (noun)
    1. old World locust that travels in vast swarms stripping large areas of vegetation
  • moss locust (noun)
    1. large shrub or small tree of the eastern United States having bristly stems and large clusters of pink flowers
  • seventeen-year locust (noun)
    1. north American cicada; appears in great numbers at infrequent intervals because the nymphs take 13 to 17 years to mature
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