
Definition: Meaning of, limited in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈlɪmɪtɪd /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. not very great in amount, number, ability etc
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  2. Limited written abbreviation Ltd used after the name of British business companies that have LIMITED LIABILITY
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limited used in phrases

  • limited audit (noun)
    1. limited in time span or confined to particular accounts etc. an audit of limited scope
  • limited company (noun)
    1. a company in Britain whose owners only have to pay a limited amount if the company gets into debt [↪  public limited company]
  • limited edition (noun)
    1. a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only
  • limited liability (noun)
    1. technical the legal position of being responsible for paying only a limited amount of debt if something bad happens to yourself or your company
  • limited review (noun)
    1. less exhaustive than an audit accounting a service that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data
  • limited war (noun)
    1. a war whose objective is less than the unconditional defeat of the enemy
  • private limited company (noun)
    1. a company whose shares are not bought and sold on the STOCK MARKET and can only pass to another person with the agreement of other SHAREHOLDER s
  • public limited company (noun)
    1. a British company owned by at least two people and whose SHARE s can be bought by everyone
  • self-limited (adjective)
    1. medicine relating to a disease that tends to run a definite course without treatment
  • sex-limited (adjective)
    1. relating to characteristics that are expressed differently in the two sexes
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