
Definition: Meaning of, lighting in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈlʌɪtɪŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the lights that light a room, building, or street, or the quality of the light produced
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lighting used in phrases

  • indirect lighting (noun)
    1. a concealed lighting fixture
  • lighting circuit (noun)
    1. wiring that provides power to electric lights
  • lighting fixture (noun)
    1. a fixture providing artificial light
  • lighting industry (noun)
    1. an industry devoted to manufacturing and selling and installing lighting
  • lighting rig (noun)
    1. a structure that holds the lights for a stage in a theatre, at an outdoor concert etc
  • lighting-up (adjective)
    1. turning lights on
  • sheet lighting (noun)
    1. lightning that appears as a broad sheet; due to reflections of more distant lightning and to diffusion by the clouds
  • strip lighting (noun)
    1. British English lighting provided by long, white FLUORESCENT tubes
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