
Definition: Meaning of, lawyer in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈlɔːjə;ˈlɔɪə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
lawyer lawyers
  1. someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court
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lawyer used in phrases

  • Philadelphia lawyer (noun)
    1. informal a skilful and adroit attorney
  • bush lawyer (noun)
    1. stout-stemmed trailing shrub of New Zealand that scrambles over other growth
  • defence lawyer (noun)
    1. law the lawyer representing the defendant
  • defense lawyer (noun)
    1. law the lawyer representing the defendant
  • divorce lawyer (noun)
    1. law a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment
  • lawyer cane (noun)
    1. tall scrambling spiny palm of northeastern Queensland, Australia
  • lawyer up (verb)
    1. use the services of a lawyer for legal representation
  • lawyer-client relation (noun)
    1. law the responsibility of a lawyer to act in the best interests of the client
  • sea lawyer (noun)
    1. an argumentative and contentious seaman
  • trial lawyer (noun)
    1. law a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law
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