
Definition: Meaning of, interior in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɪnˈtɪərɪə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
interior interiors
  1. [countable usually singular] the inner part or inside of something
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  2. the interior the part of a country that is farthest away from the coast
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  3. Minister/Department of the Interior the government minister or department that deals with matters within a country rather than abroad
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  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
[only before noun]
  1. inside or indoors
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Definition: Meaning of, Interior in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɪnˈtɪərɪə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Interior interiors
  1. the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849
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Interior used in phrases

  • Department of the Interior (noun)
    1. the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849
  • Department of the Interior, the
    1. the part of the US government responsible for protecting the US's NATURAL RESOURCES (= land, minerals, water, natural energy etc) . The person in charge of this department is called the Secretary of the Interior.
    2. the part of the US government resposible for protecting the US's NATURAL RESOURCE s (= land, minerals, water etc)
  • Interior Department (noun)
    1. the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849
  • Interior Secretary (noun)
    1. the position of the head of the Department of the Interior
    2. the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department
  • Secretary of the Interior (noun)
    1. the position of the head of the Department of the Interior
    2. the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department
  • interior angle (noun)
    1. the angle inside two adjacent sides of a polygon
  • interior decoration (noun)
    1. decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior
    2. the trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior
  • interior decorator (noun)
    1. an interior designer
  • interior design (noun)
    1. the trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior
    2. the branch of architecture dealing with the selection and organization of furnishings for an architectural interior
  • interior designer (noun)
    1. someone whose job is to plan and choose the colours, materials, furniture etc for the inside of buildings, especially people's houses
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