
Definition: Meaning of, insurance in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɪnˈʃʊər(ə)ns /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. [uncountable] an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged [↪  assurance, third party insurance]
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  2. [uncountable] the business of providing insurance
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  3. [uncountable] British English the money that you pay regularly to an insurance company [=  insurance premium]
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  4. [singular, uncountable] protection against something bad happening
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insurance used in phrases

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (noun)
    1. a federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks and other qualified institutions
  • National Insurance (noun)
    1. a system organized by the British government in which workers and employers make regular payments, and which provides money for people who are unemployed, old, or ill
  • National Insurance Number
    1. a special number given to each person in the UK as soon as they are old enough to work, so that they become part of the NATIONAL INSURANCE system. There is a similar system in the US, by which people are given a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .
  • automobile insurance (noun)
    1. insurance against loss due to theft or traffic accidents
  • business interruption insurance (noun)
    1. insurance that provides protection for the loss of profits and continuing fixed expenses resulting from a break in commercial activities due to the occurrence of a peril
  • car insurance (noun)
    1. insurance against loss due to theft or traffic accidents
  • disability insurance (noun)
    1. social insurance for the disabled
  • endowment insurance (noun)
    1. life insurance for a specified amount which is payable to the insured person at the expiration of a certain period of time or to a designated beneficiary immediately upon the death of the insured
  • fire insurance (noun)
    1. insurance against loss due to fire
  • group insurance (noun)
    1. such as the employees of a company insurance that is purchased by a group usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the group
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