
Definition: Meaning of, hood in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʊd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
hood hoods
  1. a part of a coat, jacket etc that you can pull up to cover your head
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  2. a cloth bag that goes over someone's face and head so that they cannot be recognized or cannot see [↪  balaclava]
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  3. American English the metal covering over the engine on a car [=  bonnet British English]
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  4. a cover fitted above a COOKER to remove the smell of cooking [↪  extractor (fan)]
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  5. British English a folding cover on a car or PRAM, which gives protection from the rain
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  6. also 'hood American English informal a NEIGHBOURHOOD
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  7. American English informal a HOODLUM
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hood used in phrases

  • 'hood (noun)
    1. slang a neighbourhood
  • Hood, Robin
  • Little Red Riding Hood
    1. a character in the old children's story Little Red Riding Hood, who is a young girl. In the story the BIG BAD WOLF eats Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother and puts on her clothes. When Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her grandmother she is surprised by her appearance and says, "Oh, Grandma, what big teeth you have!", and the wolf replies, "All the better to eat you with" and swallows Little Red Riding Hood. A WOODCUTTER (= someone whose job is to cut down trees) kills the wolf, cuts open its stomach, and saves Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.
  • Red Riding Hood
  • Robin Hood
    1. in old English stories, a man who lived as an OUTLAW (= someone who does not obey the law and is hiding from the authorities) in Sherwood Forest in central England, with his followers, known as his "Merry Men". These include Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian. His enemy is the evil Sheriff of Nottingham, who is always trying to catch him. Robin Hood is usually shown dressed in green clothes, known as Lincoln green, and holding a BOW . There have been many stories, films, and television programmes about his life and adventures. He is famous especially for robbing the rich and giving to the poor, and people use his name to describe a situation in which money is taken from rich people and given to poor people
  • exhaust hood (noun)
    1. metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes
  • hood latch (noun)
    1. a catch that holds the hood of a car shut
  • hood ornament (noun)
    1. an ornament on the front of the hood of a car emblematic of the manufacturer
  • lens hood (noun)
    1. a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera
  • More


Definition: Meaning of, -hood in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʊd /

  • suffix
  • synonym
  • antonym
[in nouns]
  1. used to refer to a period of time or a state
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  2. the people who belong to a particular group
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