
Definition: Meaning of, high in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʌɪ /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
high higher highest
  1. from bottom to top measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top
    1. This tree is 16 feet high.
    2. The kite is flying high in the sky.
  2. above ground in a position that is a long way, or a longer way than usual, above the ground, floor etc
    1. We live in a building which is two story high.
    2. The cottages are as high as 20 feet.
  3. large number a high amount, number, or level is large, or larger than usual
    1. I am suffering from high blood pressure.
    2. The speed of the car can go as high as 200 miles per hour.
    3. He is being promoted to a higher class.
  4. good standard a high standard, quality etc is very good
    1. This book is of high standard in terms of English.
    2. The chemistry taught in this class is of high standard and pupil can’t understand it as a result.
  5. containing a lot containing a lot of a particular substance or quality
    1. The chlorine content of the water in this pond are high.
    2. He is fell unconscious because he had consumed high amounts of poison.
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  6. rank/position having an important position in society or within an organization
    1. He holds a high position in the office.
    2. If the city council will not listen we will appeal to the High court.
    3. The party was for high government officials and their families only.
    4. He is a high suspect in this crime.
  7. advanced [only before noun] advanced and often complicated
    1. Our superior designs are a result of hard work and high level of engineering.
    2. These products are only for high end customers.
  8. high opinion/regard/praise etc strong approval of someone or something, or an expression of strong approval
    1. I had a high opinion of you before this unfortunate incident.
    2. They had high intentions for this project but it turned out to be a failure.
    3. Juniors hold seniors in high esteem.
  9. high priority also high on the list/agenda important and needing to be done or dealt with quickly
    1. This project is of high priority and high sensitivity.
    2. My bosses’ assignment is high on my to-do list.
  10. high hopes/expectations when someone hopes or expects that something will be very good or successful
    1. I had high hopes from my upcoming project but I failed.
    2. He held his head high because he was graduating in honors.
  11. sound near or above the top of the range of sounds that humans can hear
    1. The song contains high pitches which makes it unpleasant.
    2. Her high pitched voice makes me cringe from inside.
    3. He said hi, and kept talking in a high pitched manner.
  12. high point also high spot British English an especially good part of an activity or event
    1. The speaker wrapped up his speech by reiterating the highlights of his career.
    2. In the last quarter of this year our sales reached a new high.
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  13. high ground an area of land that is higher than the area surrounding it
    1. The cheetah is built on a high ground as opposed to the rest of the constructions in this area.
    2. The water flows from high ground towards the sea level.
    3. We decided to climb high ground to take a better look of the surroundings.
  14. high ground a better, more moral, or more powerful position in an argument or competition
    1. Since they threw us out of their office without a reason we have a moral high ground on them.
    2. He turned down the offer from his chief and lost the high ground he had on them earlier.
  15. high spirits feelings of happiness and energy, especially when you are having fun
    1. She looked pale and didn’t look like her high-spirited self.
    2. The crowd’s cheers made the singers high spirited.
  16. happy/excited [not before noun] happy and excited
    1. I get my high from music and dancing.
    2. He is feeling high ever since he got the first position.
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  17. drugs [not before noun] behaving in a strange and excited way as the result of taking drugs
    1. When he drank alcohol for the first time he became high.
    2. He is clean after his time in rehabilitation center, but before that he used to be high every single day.
  18. sea/river having risen to a high level
    1. The tide is high at night but ebbs out at noon.
    2. The high tide took the boat and the child with it.
  19. it is high time somebody did something used to say that something should be done now
    1. She is five now, it is high time she gets potty trained.
    2. I have been with the company for 10 years. It is high time for them to send me on an international trip.
  20. time the middle or the most important part of a particular period of time
    1. It is high day we can go for lunch right now.
    2. The sun is still high why don’t you go to the other side of the river and collect more corn.
    3. “Behold, it is still high day; it is not time for the livestock to be gathered together. Water the sheep and go, pasture them.” Genesis 29:7
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  21. high wind a strong wind
    1. The travelers will have to wait in a cave till the high wind is settled.
    2. The high wind on this road makes it impossible for us to cross it.
  22. high alert a situation in which people are told to be ready because there is a strong possibility of an attack or of something dangerous happening
    1. After the terrorist threat the entire city is on high alert.
    2. His sudden heart attack made his doctor put him on high alert.
    3. The weather forecaster has put the village on high alert of flooding.
  23. high life/living the enjoyable life that rich and fashionable people have
    1. His high life made him lose all the inherited money fast.
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  24. high drama/adventure very exciting events or situations
    1. When he was called to the stage to receive lifetime achievement award that moment was a high drama of the evening.
    2. The novels is a compilation of high adventures of Tom Sawyer.
  25. end/finish/begin etc (something) on a high note to end, finish something etc in a successful way
    1. The lawyer finished his concluding argument on a high note.
    2. The vacations with our aunts ended on a high note.
  26. high principles/ideals ideas about personal behaviour based on the belief that people should always behave in an honest and morally good way
    1. His grandfather had high ideals for his grandson.
    2. Our forefathers had high ideas for our country.
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  27. high and mighty talking or behaving as if you think you are better or more important than other people
    1. The news reported talked about the plight of the refugees in a high and mighty way.
    2. If she is so high and mighty why is she taking money from her grandfather?
  28. be/get on your high horse to give your opinion about something in a way that shows you think you are definitely right and that other people are wrong
    1. If only you can get down from your high horse and see things from the villagers’ perspective.
    2. He gets on his high horse and takes decisions that are totally disconnected from the real world.
  29. food British English cheese, meat etc that is high is not fresh and has a strong smell or taste
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  30. high days and holidays British English special occasions
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  31. high complexion/colouring British English a naturally pink or red face
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  32. in high dudgeon formal in an angry or offended way - often used humorously
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  33. language high style/register British English a very formal style of language, especially used in literature
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  34. language high German/Dutch etc a form of a language used for formal purposes that is often different from the ordinary form used by most people
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  • adverb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
high higher highest
  1. above the ground at or to a level high above the ground, the floor etc
    1. Thief started running, so the policeman aimed higher than him and shot in the air.
    2. She smiled and jumped as high as she could.
  2. value/cost/amount at or to a high value, cost, amount etc
    1. The prices were high in the diplomatic area but low in other parts of the city.
    2. Can you turn it higher so it can cook quickly?
  3. sound with a high sound
    1. The shouting was so high we could hear it from the roof.
    2. His high notes singing was not liked by the audience.
    3. The screaming high notes, slamming and shaming of the spectators drowned the voice of the presenter.
  4. achievement at or to a high rank or level of achievement, especially within a company
    1. Due to her hard work she was promoted very quickly and very high.
    2. Let’s promote her high and see how she handle her duty.
  5. (leave somebody/something) high and dry if someone is left high and dry, they are left without any help or without the things that they need
    1. Due to the public outrage the reporter, who misreported the event, was left high and dry.
    2. The poor dog was left high and dry by his owner because of his old age.
  6. (leave somebody/something) high and dry if a boat, area etc is left high and dry, it is left on land because the water that surrounded it has gone down
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  7. look/search high and low to try to find someone or something by looking everywhere
    1. They searched high and low but couldn’t find the last clue and hence lost the scavenger hunt.
    2. We looked high and low of the jungle but the puppy had just vanished.
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
high highs
  1. number/amount the highest price, number, temperature etc that has ever been recorded, or that has been recorded within a particular period of time
    1. The prices have risen to a new high.
    2. The index, after gaining 300 point is at the record high.
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  2. excitement informal a feeling of great happiness or excitement
    1. He sniffed from the drug and reached a high immediately.
    2. People’s excitement with her new album ran high.
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  3. drugs a feeling of pleasure or excitement produced by some drugs
    1. The drugs that are given for anxiety can sometime create hallucination and can give patients a high.
    2. He took dope which gave him a high.
    3. He spent all his teenage being high on drugs.
  4. weather an area of high PRESSURE that affects the weather
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  5. school a short form of HIGH SCHOOL, used in the name of a school
    1. We have been offering classes till middle school but plan to go High next year.
  6. from on high from someone in a position of authority - used humorously
    1. The order to deport you came from on high.
    2. She was talented and I wanted to keep her, but orders to reject her came from on high.
  7. on high formal at a high temperature as measured by an electric OVEN etc
    1. She made me put the oven on high and the muffins got burnt.
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  8. on high formal formal in a high place or heaven
    1. (Psalms 63:5), \'The Lord our God who dwelleth on high.\' [c. 1200]
    2. The angels praise God who is above us on high.
    3. As soon as she entered the aviary birds started chirping from on high.

high used in phrases

  • Army High Performance Computing Research Center (noun)
    1. a United States defence laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defence technology applications; a partnership of government and university and industry
  • Aswan High Dam
    1. a DAM built across the River Nile in southern Egypt. It is one of the largest DAMs in the world and is used to produce electricity and provide water for farming
  • High Anglican Church (noun)
    1. especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority church service a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition
  • High Anglicanism (noun)
    1. a doctrine and practice within the Church of England emphasizing the Catholic tradition
  • High Church (noun)
    1. the part of the Church of England that is closest in its beliefs to the Roman Catholic Church
  • High Commission (noun)
    1. an embassy of one British Commonwealth country to another
  • High Court (noun)
    1. a court of law that is at a higher level than ordinary courts and that can be asked to change the decisions of a lower court
  • High Court of Justiciary, the
    1. in the Scottish legal system, a court of law that is more important than a SHERIFF COURT and deals with serious crimes such as murder
  • High Dam (noun)
    1. one of the world's largest dams on the Nile River in southern Egypt
  • More


Definition: Meaning of, -high in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʌɪ /

  • suffix
  • synonym
  • antonym
[in adjectives]
  1. of a particular height
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