
Definition: Meaning of, herring in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈhɛrɪŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
herring herrings, herring
or [countable]
  1. a long thin silver sea fish that can be eaten
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herring used in phrases

  • Atlantic herring (noun)
    1. important food fish; found in enormous shoals in the northern Atlantic
  • Pacific herring (noun)
    1. important food fish of the northern Pacific
  • herring gull (noun)
    1. large gull of the northern hemisphere
  • herring hog (noun)
    1. the common porpoise of the northern Atlantic and Pacific
  • herring salad (noun)
    1. based on pickled herring
  • king of the herring (noun)
    1. thin deep-water tropical fish 20 to 30 feet long having a red dorsal fin
  • kippered herring (noun)
    1. salted and smoked herring
  • lake herring (noun)
    1. cold-water fish caught in Lake Superior and northward
    2. important food fish of cold deep lakes of North America
  • pickled herring (noun)
    1. usually brine or vinegar herring preserved in a pickling liquid
  • red herring (noun)
    1. a fact or idea that is not important but is introduced to take your attention away from the points that are important
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