
Definition: Meaning of, gull in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɡʌl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
gull gulls
  1. a large common black and white sea bird that lives near the sea [=  seagull]
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gull used in phrases

  • black-backed gull (noun)
    1. white gull having a black back and wings
  • great black-backed gull (noun)
    1. white gull having a black back and wings
  • herring gull (noun)
    1. large gull of the northern hemisphere
  • ivory gull (noun)
    1. white Arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick
  • laughing gull (noun)
    1. small black-headed European gull
  • mew gull (noun)
    1. the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
  • pewit gull (noun)
    1. small black-headed European gull
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