
Definition: Meaning of, grow in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɡrəʊ /

  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
grow grew grown
Present Participle Third Person Singular
growing grows
  1. increase [intransitive] to increase in amount, size, number, or strength
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  2. increase [transitive] to make a business or part of a business bigger and more successful
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  3. person/animal [intransitive] to become bigger, taller etc over a period of time in the process of becoming an adult
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  4. plants [intransitive] if plants grow, they exist and develop in a natural way
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  5. plants [transitive] to make plants or crops develop and produce fruit or flowers [↪  raise]
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  6. hair/nails [transitive] if you grow your hair or nails, you do not cut them
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  7. hair/nails [intransitive] when hair or nails grow, they become longer
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  8. become [I always + adj] to change and become different quite slowly
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  9. become [intransitive] to gradually change your opinions and have a feeling that you did not have before
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  10. improve [intransitive] to gradually become better, bigger etc
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  11. it/money doesn't grow on trees spoken used to say that you should not waste money
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grow used in phrases

  • grow over (verb)
    1. grow beyond or across
  • make grow (verb)
    1. cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development
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grow used in phrasal verbs

  • grow apart (phrasal verb)
    1. if people grow apart, their relationship gradually changes and they become less close
  • grow away from (phrasal verb)
    1. grow away from someone if you grow away from someone, your relationship gradually changes and you become less close to them
  • grow in (phrasal verb)
    1. grow in something to begin to have more of a particular quality
  • grow into (phrasal verb)
    1. grow into something/someone to develop and become a particular thing or person
    2. grow into something if children grow into clothes, they become the right size to wear clothes that were too big
  • grow on (phrasal verb)
    1. grow on someone if something or someone grows on you, you start to like them more
  • grow out (phrasal verb)
    1. if coloured, cut, or permed hair grows out, it grows so that it no longer has the colour or style that it had
  • grow out of (phrasal verb)
    1. grow out of something if children grow out of clothes, they grow bigger and the clothes become too small for them
    2. grow out of something if someone grows out of a habit, they stop doing it, because they are older or wiser
  • grow up (phrasal verb)
    1. to change from being a baby or young child to being an older child or adult
    2. used for talking about the things that happened while you were a child
  • grow up on (phrasal verb)
    1. grow up on something used for talking about things that you did a lot, or things that you had a lot of, when you were a child
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