
Definition: Meaning of, government in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt;ˈɡʌvəm(ə)nt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
government governments
  1. also Government [C usually singular also + plural verb British English] British English the group of people who govern a country or state
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  2. [uncountable] a form or system of government
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  3. [uncountable] the process or way of governing
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  4. [uncountable] American English the degree to which the government controls economic and social activities
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government used in phrases

  • Government Accounting Office (noun)
    1. an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
  • Government Printing Office (noun)
    1. an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
  • U.S. government (noun)
    1. the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
  • US Government Printing Office (noun)
    1. an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
  • United States Government Accounting Office (noun)
    1. an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
  • United States Government Printing Office (noun)
    1. an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
  • United States government (noun)
    1. the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
  • big government (noun)
    1. American English government - used when people think it is controlling their lives too much
  • central government (noun)
    1. the level of government which deals with national rather than local things [↪  local government]
  • coalition government (noun)
    1. a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several political parties cooperate, reducing the dominance of any one party within that coalition
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