
Definition: Meaning of, ghost in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɡəʊst /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
ghost ghosts
  1. spirit the spirit of a dead person that some people think they can feel or see in a place
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  2. memory/effect the memory or effect of someone or something bad that lived, existed, or happened in the past
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  3. the ghost of a smile/sound etc a smile etc that is so slight you are not sure it happened
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  4. television/computer a second image that is not clear on a television or computer screen
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  5. give up the ghost if a machine gives up the ghost, it does not work any more and cannot be repaired - used humorously
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  6. give up the ghost to die
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  7. (not) a ghost of a chance not even a slight chance of doing something, or of something happening
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
ghost ghosted ghosted
Present Participle Third Person Singular
ghosting ghosts
  1. to write something as a GHOST WRITER
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ghost used in phrases

  • Holy Ghost (noun)
    1. the Holy Ghost God in the form of a SPIRIT according to the Christian religion [=  Holy Spirit]
  • Marley's Ghost
    1. the spirit of Jacob Marley, who is the dead business partner of SCROOGE in the book A CHRISTMAS CAROL (1843) by Charles DICKENS . He appears to SCROOGE on Christmas Eve, and tells him that he will be visited by three spirits.
  • ghost dance (noun)
    1. a religious dance of Native Americans looking for communication with the dead
  • ghost gum (noun)
    1. small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips
  • ghost moth (noun)
    1. a yellow-brown European moth of the family Hepialidae
  • ghost story (noun)
    1. a story about ghosts that is intended to frighten people
  • ghost town (noun)
    1. a town that used to have a lot of people living and working in it, but now has very few or none
  • ghost train (noun)
    1. a small train ride at a FUNFAIR, that is designed to frighten you by taking you through a dark place full of SKELETON s and things that jump out at you
  • ghost weed (noun)
    1. annual spurge of western United States having showy white-bracted flower clusters and very poisonous milk
  • ghost word (noun)
    1. a word form that has entered the language through the perpetuation of an error
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