
Definition: Meaning of, flowered in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈflaʊəd /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. decorated with a pattern of flowers [=  floral, flowery]
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flowered used in phrases

  • blue-flowered (adjective)
    1. having blue flowers
  • few-flowered leek (noun)
    1. leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran
  • five-flowered gentian (noun)
    1. gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers
  • large-flowered calamint (noun)
    1. aromatic herb with large pink flowers; southern and southeastern Europe; Anatolia; northern Iran
  • large-flowered fiddleneck (noun)
    1. annual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes; a threatened species
  • one-flowered pyrola (noun)
    1. delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • one-flowered wintergreen (noun)
    1. delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • orange-flowered (adjective)
    1. having orange flowers
  • purple-flowered (adjective)
    1. having purple flowers
  • red-flowered (adjective)
    1. having red flowers
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈliːki
Parts of Speech: noun
born in 1944 son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey english palaeontologist who continued the work of his parents; he was appointed director of a wildlife preserve in Kenya but resigned under political pressure