
Definition: Meaning of, finder in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈfʌɪndə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
finder finders
  1. someone who finds something that was lost or stolen
    Not found!
    Not found!
  2. finders keepers (losers weepers) spoken used to say that if someone finds something, they have the right to keep it
    Not found!
    Not found!

finder used in phrases

  • depth finder (noun)
    1. as by ultrasound or radar navigational instrument used to measure the depth of a body of water
  • direction finder (noun)
    1. radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves
  • finder's fee (noun)
    1. a fee that is paid to someone who finds a source of financial backing or to someone who brings people together for business purposes
  • sonic depth finder (noun)
    1. depth finder for determining depth of water or a submerged object by means of ultrasound waves
  • stud finder (noun)
    1. a small permanent magnet in a metal container; when the magnet clicks against the container it indicates that the magnet is directly over an iron nail that holds the wallboard to a stud
  • synonym finder (noun)
    1. a book containing a classified list of synonyms
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