
Definition: Meaning of, fiction in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
fiction fictions
  1. [uncountable] books and stories about imaginary people and events
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  2. [countable] something that people want you to believe is true but which is not true
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fiction used in phrases

  • Pulp Fiction
    1. (1994) a humorous and very violent US film, made by Quentin TARANTINO
  • airport fiction (noun)
    1. books that are not very serious, and that people buy at airports to read when they are on a plane journey
  • fan fiction (noun)
    1. stories that use characters or events from famous books, television programmes, or films, but which are written by a FAN of the original book etc (= someone who likes it very much), not the book's real writer
  • non-fiction (noun)
    1. books about real facts or events, not imagined ones
  • science fiction (noun)
    1. stories about events in the future which are affected by imaginary developments in science, for example about travelling in time or to other PLANET s with life on them
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