
Definition: Meaning of, fence in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / fɛns /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
fence fences
  1. a structure made of wood, metal etc that surrounds a piece of land
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  2. a wall or other structure that horses jump over in a race or competition
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  3. informal someone who buys and sells stolen goods
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  4. sit/be on the fence to avoid saying which side of an argument you support
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
fence fenced fenced
Present Participle Third Person Singular
fencing fences
  1. [transitive] to put a fence around something
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  2. [intransitive] to fight with a long thin sword as a sport
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  3. [intransitive + with] to answer someone's questions in a clever way in order to get an advantage in an argument
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fence used in phrases

  • Virginia fence (noun)
    1. rail fence consisting of a zigzag of interlocking rails
  • chain-link fence (noun)
    1. a type of fence made of wire twisted together into a diamond pattern
  • chainlink fence (noun)
    1. a fence of steel wires woven into a diamond pattern
  • eastern fence lizard (noun)
    1. small active lizard of United States and north to British Columbia
  • fence line (noun)
    1. a boundary line created by a fence
  • fence lizard (noun)
    1. spiny lizard often seen basking on fences in the United States and northern Mexico
  • fence mending (noun)
    1. especially in politics social action to improve poor relations
  • fence rail (noun)
    1. a rail that is split from a log
  • fence-mending (adjective)
    1. fence-mending measures/talks/trip etc fence-mending trips, talks etc are between countries who have a disagreement about something, and are meant to try to improve relations between them
  • fence-sitter (noun)
    1. a person who won't take sides in a controversy
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fence used in phrasal verbs

  • fence in (phrasal verb)
    1. to limit someone’s freedom
  • fence off (phrasal verb)
    1. to separate an area by surrounding it with a fence
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word of the day

Pronunciation: təˈrɛstrɪəl tʌɪm
Parts of Speech: noun
astronomy a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions