
Definition: Meaning of, fee in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / fiː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
fee fees
  1. an amount of money that you pay to do something or that you pay to a professional person for their work
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fee used in phrases

  • admission fee (noun)
    1. the fee charged for admission
  • advance fee fraud (noun)
    1. another name for 419 SCAM
  • contingency fee (noun)
    1. as for an attorney's services a fee that is payable only if the outcome is successful
  • docking fee (noun)
    1. a fee charged for a vessel to use a dock
  • entrance fee (noun)
    1. the fee charged for admission
  • fee simple (noun)
    1. a fee without limitation to any class of heirs; they can sell it or give it away
  • fee splitting (noun)
    1. usually by doctors or lawyers payment of part of the fee in return for the referral
  • fee tail (noun)
    1. a fee limited to a particular line of heirs; they are not free to sell it or give it away
  • fee-paying (adjective)
    1. fee-paying school a school which you have to pay to go to
    2. fee-paying student/patient a student or PATIENT who pays for their education or medical treatment
  • fee-tail (verb)
    1. limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs
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word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈsteɪkhəʊldə səˈsʌɪɪti
Parts of Speech: noun
politics the concept, within the New Labour movement, that members of a society have both rights from it, and duties or responsibilities to it