
Definition: Meaning of, faith in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / feɪθ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
faith faiths
  1. trust/confidence in somebody/something [uncountable] a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something
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  2. religion [uncountable] belief and trust in God
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  3. religion [countable] one of the main religions in the world
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  4. break faith with somebody/something to stop supporting or believing in a person, organization, or idea
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  5. keep faith with somebody/something to continue to support or believe in a person, organization, or idea
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  6. good faith honest and sincere intentions
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  7. bad faith intentions that are not honest or sincere
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  8. an act of faith something you do that shows you trust someone completely
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faith used in phrases

  • Baha'i Faith, the
    1. a religion based on the belief that people should be peaceful and kind, and should accept the fact that other people belong to different races or religions
  • Defender of the Faith
    1. a title used by British kings and queens since Henry VIII, who was given it by Pope Leo X in 1521 because he wrote a paper attacking the ideas of Martin LUTHER
  • article of faith (noun)
    1. Christianity any of the sections into which a creed or other statement of doctrine is divided
    2. an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
  • bad faith (noun)
    1. intent to deceive or mislead another to gain some advantage; dishonesty or fraud in a transaction
  • faith community (noun)
    1. a group of people who share a particular set of religious beliefs
  • faith cure (noun)
    1. care provided through prayer and faith in God
  • faith healing (noun)
    1. a method of treating illnesses by praying
  • full faith and credit (noun)
    1. a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt; usually issued by the United States Treasury
  • good faith (noun)
    1. when a person, country etc intends to be honest and sincere and does not intend to deceive anyone
  • multi-faith (adjective)
    1. including or involving people from several different religious groups
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