
Definition: Meaning of, exhibition in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
exhibition exhibitions
  1. [countable] especially British English a show of paintings, photographs, or other objects that people can go to see
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  2. [uncountable] when something such as a painting is shown in a public place
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  3. exhibition of something a situation in which someone shows a particular skill, feeling, or type of behaviour
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  4. make an exhibition of yourself to behave in a silly or embarrassing way [=  make a fool of yourself]
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exhibition used in phrases

  • Great Exhibition, the
    1. a large EXHIBITION held in Hyde Park in 1851. It was the idea of Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, and it was intended to show modern achievements in industry, science, and TECHNOLOGY . The EXHIBITION took place in a large glass building called the 'Crystal Palace'.
  • Ideal Home Exhibition, the
    1. an EXHIBITION of furniture and objects for the house, held every year in London
  • National Exhibition Centre
    1. the National Exhibition Centre the full name of the NEC
  • art exhibition (noun)
    1. paintings or statues an exhibition of art objects
  • exhibition area (noun)
    1. a large hall for holding exhibitions
  • exhibition game (noun)
    1. a game whose outcome is not recorded in the season's standing
  • exhibition hall (noun)
    1. a large hall for holding exhibitions
  • exhibition season (noun)
    1. the time before the regular games begin when football or baseball teams play practice games
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