
Definition: Meaning of, erica in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɛrɪkə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
erica ericas
  1. any plant of the genus Erica
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erica used in phrases

  • Erica Jong (noun)
    1. born in 1942 united States writer
  • Erica arborea (noun)
    1. evergreen treelike Mediterranean shrub having fragrant white flowers in large terminal panicles and hard woody roots used to make tobacco pipes
  • Erica carnea (noun)
    1. dwarf European shrub with very early blooming bell-shaped red flowers
  • Erica cinerea (noun)
    1. common low European shrub with purple-red flowers
  • Erica lusitanica (noun)
    1. erect dense shrub native to western Iberian peninsula having profuse white or pink flowers; naturalized in southwestern England
  • Erica perspicua (noun)
    1. south African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers
  • Erica tetralix (noun)
    1. dwarf European shrub with rose-coloured flowers
  • Erica vagans (noun)
    1. bushy shrub having pink to white flowers; common on the moors of Cornwall and in southwestern Europe; cultivated elsewhere
  • genus Erica (noun)
    1. large genus of low much-branched woody evergreens ranging from prostrate subshrubs to trees: true heaths
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