
Definition: Meaning of, epilepsy in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɛpɪlɛpsi /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. a medical condition affecting your brain, that can make you suddenly become unconscious or unable to control your movements for a short time
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epilepsy used in phrases

  • Jacksonian epilepsy (noun)
    1. focal epilepsy in which the attack usually moves from distal to proximal limb muscles on the same side of the body
  • akinetic epilepsy (noun)
    1. epilepsy characterized by akinesia
  • cortical epilepsy (noun)
    1. as a twitching of a limb or an illusory sensation or a mental disturbance epilepsy in which the attacks begins with an isolated disturbance of cerebral function
  • focal epilepsy (noun)
    1. as a twitching of a limb or an illusory sensation or a mental disturbance epilepsy in which the attacks begins with an isolated disturbance of cerebral function
  • generalised epilepsy (noun)
    1. epilepsy in which the attacks involve loss of consciousness and tonic spasms of the musculature followed by generalized jerking
  • generalized epilepsy (noun)
    1. epilepsy in which the attacks involve loss of consciousness and tonic spasms of the musculature followed by generalized jerking
  • grand mal epilepsy (noun)
    1. epilepsy in which the attacks involve loss of consciousness and tonic spasms of the musculature followed by generalized jerking
  • musicogenic epilepsy (noun)
    1. reflex epilepsy induced by music
  • myoclonus epilepsy (noun)
    1. epilepsy characterized by clonus of muscle groups and progressive mental deterioration and genetic origin
  • petit mal epilepsy (noun)
    1. and possibly other abnormalities epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brief clouding of consciousness
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Parts of Speech: noun
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