
Definition: Meaning of, encephalitis in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛnˌsɛfəˈlʌɪtɪs;ɛnˌkɛfəˈlʌɪtɪs /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
[uncountable] [medical]
  1. swelling of the brain
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encephalitis used in phrases

  • Dawson's encephalitis (noun)
    1. a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young adults; death usually occurs within three years; characterized by primary measles infection before the age of two years
  • Van Bogaert encephalitis (noun)
    1. a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young adults; death usually occurs within three years; characterized by primary measles infection before the age of two years
  • West Nile encephalitis (noun)
    1. encephalitis caused by the West Nile virus; can be fatal in humans and horses and birds
  • West Nile encephalitis virus (noun)
    1. the flavivirus that causes West Nile encephalitis
  • acute hemorrhagic encephalitis (noun)
    1. encephalitis that resembles apoplexy due to blood extravasation
  • acute inclusion body encephalitis (noun)
    1. common form of acute encephalitis caused by herpes simplex 1; usually affects the temporal and frontal lobes
  • bovine spongiform encephalitis (noun)
    1. a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system; causes staggering and agitation
  • encephalitis lethargica (noun)
    1. an encephalitis that was epidemic between 1915 and 1926; symptoms include paralysis of the extrinsic eye muscle and extreme muscular weakness
  • epidemic encephalitis (noun)
    1. an encephalitis that was epidemic between 1915 and 1926; symptoms include paralysis of the extrinsic eye muscle and extreme muscular weakness
  • equine encephalitis (noun)
    1. encephalitis caused by a virus that is transmitted by a mosquito from an infected horse
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