
Definition: Meaning of, ecclesiastical in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɪˌkliːzɪˈastɪk(ə)l /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
also ec?cle?sias?tic
  1. relating to the Christian church or its priests
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ecclesiastical used in phrases

  • ecclesiastical attire (noun)
    1. attire that is appropriate to wear in a church
  • ecclesiastical benefice (noun)
    1. an endowed church office giving income to its holder
  • ecclesiastical calendar (noun)
    1. a calendar of the Christian year indicating the dates of fasts and festivals
  • ecclesiastical law (noun)
    1. the body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church
  • ecclesiastical mode (noun)
    1. any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until 1600; derived historically from the Greek mode
  • ecclesiastical province (noun)
    1. the district within the jurisdiction of an archbishop or a metropolitan or one of the territorial divisions of an ecclesiastical order
  • ecclesiastical robe (noun)
    1. attire that is appropriate to wear in a church
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