
Definition: Meaning of, driver in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdrʌɪvə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
driver drivers
  1. someone who drives a car, bus etc [↪  chauffeur]
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  2. technical a piece of software that makes a computer work with another piece of equipment such as a printer or a mouse
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  3. a GOLF CLUB with a wooden head
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driver used in phrases

  • Sunday driver (noun)
    1. informal someone who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing
  • automobile driver (noun)
    1. someone who drives racing cars at high speeds
  • backseat driver (noun)
    1. a meddler who insists on giving unwanted advice
  • bus driver (noun)
    1. someone who drives a bus
  • designated driver (noun)
    1. someone who agrees not to drink alcohol when a group of friends go out together to a party, bar etc so that he or she can drive the others safely to and from home
  • device driver (noun)
    1. computing a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device
  • drink-driver (noun)
    1. someone who drives while over the blood alcohol limit
  • driver ant (noun)
    1. tropical nomadic ant that preys mainly on other insects
  • driver's education (noun)
    1. a course, usually taken in high school, that teaches you how to drive a car
  • driver's licence (noun)
    1. a licence authorizing the bearer to drive a motor vehicle
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