
Definition: Meaning of, dogbane in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdɒɡbeɪn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
dogbane dogbanes
  1. any of several poisonous perennial plants of the genus Apocynum having acrid milky juice and bell-shaped white or pink flowers and a very bitter root
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dogbane used in phrases

  • Rocky Mountain dogbane (noun)
    1. north American plant similar to common dogbane
  • common dogbane (noun)
    1. north American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints
  • dogbane family (noun)
    1. chiefly tropical trees, shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs
  • spreading dogbane (noun)
    1. north American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints
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