
Definition: Meaning of, disturbance in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / dɪˈstəːb(ə)ns /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
disturbance disturbances
  1. [uncountable and countable] formal a situation in which people behave violently in public
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  2. [uncountable and countable] something that interrupts what you are doing, or the act of making this happen
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  3. [uncountable] a medical condition in which someone is mentally ill and does not behave normally
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disturbance used in phrases

  • disturbance of the peace (noun)
    1. any act of molesting, interrupting, hindering, agitating, or arousing from a state of repose or otherwise depriving inhabitants of the peace and quiet to which they are entitled
  • electrical disturbance (noun)
    1. atmospherics or receiver noise or unwanted transmitters electrical signals produced by unwanted sources
  • emotional disturbance (noun)
    1. any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominant
  • mental disturbance (noun)
    1. psychiatry a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness
  • seismic disturbance (noun)
    1. an instance of agitation of the earth's crust
  • tumultuous disturbance (noun)
    1. a sudden violent disturbance
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