
Definition: Meaning of, discrimination in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the practice of treating one person or group differently from another in an unfair way
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  2. the ability to recognize the difference between two or more things, especially the difference in their quality
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discrimination used in phrases

  • Sex Discrimination Act, the
    1. a British law passed in 1975 to prevent sex DISCRIMINATION (= unfair treatment of someone because of their sex), especially in employment and education
  • age discrimination (noun)
    1. unfair treatment of people because they are old [=  ageism British English]
  • freedom from discrimination (noun)
    1. law immunity from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, nationality, religion or age; guaranteed by federal laws of the United States
  • non-discrimination (noun)
    1. fairness in treating people without prejudice
  • positive discrimination (noun)
    1. the practice of giving a particular number of jobs, places at university etc to people who are often treated unfairly because of their race, sex etc [=  affirmative action American English]
  • racial discrimination (noun)
    1. discriminatory or abusive behaviour towards members of another race
  • reverse discrimination (noun)
    1. the practice of giving unfair treatment to a group of people who usually have advantages, in order to be fair to the group of people who were unfairly treated in the past [↪  positive discrimination]
  • sex discrimination (noun)
    1. treating people unfairly because they are women, or because they are men
  • sexual discrimination (noun)
    1. usually women usually in employment discrimination that excludes one sex to the benefit of the other sex
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