
Definition: Meaning of, diesel in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdiːz(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
diesel diesels
  1. [uncountable] a type of heavy oil used instead of petrol in engines, especially in trucks, buses, and trains
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  2. [countable] informal a vehicle that uses diesel
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Definition: Meaning of, Diesel in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdiːzəl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Diesel diesels
  1. 1858-1913 born in France german engineer who invented the diesel engine
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Diesel used in phrases

  • Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel (noun)
    1. 1858-1913 born in France german engineer who invented the diesel engine
  • Rudolf Diesel (noun)
    1. 1858-1913 born in France german engineer who invented the diesel engine
  • diesel engine (noun)
    1. an internal-combustion engine that burns heavy oil
  • diesel fuel (noun)
    1. DIESEL
  • diesel locomotive (noun)
    1. a locomotive driven by a diesel engine
  • diesel motor (noun)
    1. an internal-combustion engine that burns heavy oil
  • diesel oil (noun)
    1. a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel engines
  • diesel-electric (noun)
    1. a locomotive driven by the electric current generated by a diesel engine
  • diesel-electric locomotive (noun)
    1. a locomotive driven by the electric current generated by a diesel engine
  • diesel-hydraulic (noun)
    1. a locomotive driven by a hydraulic transmission system powered by a diesel engine
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