
Definition: Meaning of, destiny in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdɛstɪni /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
destiny destinies
  1. [countable usually singular] the things that will happen to someone in the future, especially those that cannot be changed or controlled [=  fate]
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  2. [uncountable] the power that some people believe decides what will happen to them in the future
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destiny used in phrases

  • Manifest Destiny
    1. the belief that the US people had the right and the duty to take land in North America from other people, because this was God's plan. This phrase was used by journalists and politicians in the 19th century when US citizens moved west across North America and the US gained Texas, California, Oregon, and Alaska.
  • line of destiny (noun)
    1. a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates how successful you will be
  • manifest destiny (noun)
    1. as if granted by God a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable
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