
Definition: Meaning of, crystal in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkrɪst(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
crystal crystals
  1. [uncountable] very high quality clear glass
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  2. [countable] a small regular-shaped piece of a substance, formed naturally when this substance becomes solid
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  3. [uncountable and countable] rock that is clear, or a piece of this
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  4. [countable] American English the clear cover on a clock or watch
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crystal used in phrases

  • Crystal Palace, the
    1. a large building made of glass and iron, built in HYDE PARK, London to contain the GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851. The building was later moved to South London, but was destroyed by fire in 1936. The name 'Crystal Palace' is still used for a football team and a district in South London.
  • Waterford crystal
    1. a type of valuable glass, made into such things as wine glasses and VASE s, that is made from CRYSTAL (= a high quality type of glass) in Waterford in Ireland
  • crystal ball (noun)
    1. a glass ball that you can look into, which some people believe can show what is going to happen in the future
  • crystal clear (adjective)
    1. very clearly stated and easy to understand
    2. completely clean and clear
  • crystal counter (noun)
    1. a counter tube in which an ionizing event increases conductivity
  • crystal detector (noun)
    1. a detector consisting of a fine wire in contact with a galena crystal; acts as a rectifier
  • crystal gazing (noun)
    1. staring into a crystal ball to arouse visions of future or distant events
  • crystal lattice (noun)
    1. a 3-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms, molecules or ions composing a crystal
  • crystal meth (noun)
    1. trade name Methedrine an amphetamine derivative used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
  • crystal microphone (noun)
    1. a microphone in which sound waves vibrate a piezoelectric crystal that generates a varying voltage
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