
Definition: Meaning of, criminal in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkrɪmɪn(ə)l /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. relating to crime
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  2. relating to the part of the legal system that is concerned with crime [↪  civil]
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  3. wrong, dishonest, and unacceptable
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
criminal criminals
  1. someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime
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criminal used in phrases

  • Central Criminal Court, the
    1. the official name of the OLD BAILEY, the most important criminal court in the UK
  • Criminal Cases Review Commission
    1. a British organization, set up in 1997, that investigates cases where it is believed a person might have been wrongfully convicted of a crime
  • Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada (noun)
    1. an agency of the Canadian government that unifies the intelligence units of Canadian law enforcement agencies
  • Criminal Investigation Command (noun)
    1. the United States Army's principal law enforcement agency responsible for the conduct of criminal investigations for all levels of the Army anywhere in the world
  • Criminal Justice Bill, the
    1. a series of changes to British law in 1995, officially called the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, which changed the law relating to a person's right to silence (= their right to say nothing when the police ARREST them, or when they are on trial in a court of law ), and also made the laws against SQUAT ting (= living in a building without the owner's permission) and TRESPASS ing (= being on someone's land without their permission) much stricter.
  • US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (noun)
    1. a defence laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command; the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
  • United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (noun)
    1. the United Nations office responsible for crime prevention and criminal justice and law reform
  • United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (noun)
    1. a defence laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command; the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
  • criminal congress (noun)
    1. forbidden or tabu sexual intercourse between individuals
  • criminal contempt (noun)
    1. law an act of disrespect that impedes the administration of justice
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