
Definition: Meaning of, commander in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / kəˈmɑːndə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
commander commanders
  1. an officer of any rank who is in charge of a group of soldiers or a particular military activity
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  2. a high rank in the navy, or someone who holds this rank
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  3. a British police officer of high rank
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commander used in phrases

  • Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (noun)
    1. commanding officer of ACLANT; a general of the United States Army nominated by the President of the United States and approved by the North Atlantic Council
  • Supreme Allied Commander Europe (noun)
    1. commanding officer of ACE; NATO's senior military commander in Europe
  • commander in chief (noun)
    1. someone of high rank who is in control of all the military organizations in a country or of a specific military activity
  • lieutenant commander (noun)
    1. military a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander
  • naval commander (noun)
    1. military naval officer in command of a fleet of warships
  • wing commander (noun)
    1. an officer of high rank in the British air force
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈliːki
Parts of Speech: noun
born in 1944 son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey english palaeontologist who continued the work of his parents; he was appointed director of a wildlife preserve in Kenya but resigned under political pressure