
Definition: Meaning of, comfort in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkʌmfət /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
comfort comforts
  1. physical [uncountable] a feeling of being physically relaxed and satisfied, so that nothing is hurting you, making you feel too hot or cold etc [↪  comfortable, discomfort]
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  2. emotional [uncountable] if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy [↪  comforting]
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  3. somebody/something that helps [countable] someone or something that helps you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy [↪  comforting]
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  4. money/possessions [uncountable] a way of living in which you have all the money and possessions that you need or want [↪  comfortable]
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  5. comforts [plural] the things that make your life nicer and more comfortable, especially things that are not necessary
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  6. too close/near for comfort something that is too close for comfort makes you feel worried, unhappy, or uncomfortable, because it is dangerous in some way
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  7. cold/small comfort a small piece of good news that does not make you feel better about a bad situation
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
comfort comforted comforted
Present Participle Third Person Singular
comforting comforts
  1. to make someone feel less worried, unhappy, or upset, for example by saying kind things to them or touching them [↪  comforting]
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comfort used in phrases

  • Cold Comfort Farm
    1. a humorous novel by Stella Gibbons about a farm in southern England, where the owners and workers are all crazy or very strange
  • Louis Comfort Tiffany (noun)
    1. 1848-1933 united States artist who developed Tiffany glass
  • Southern Comfort
    1. a type of strong, sweet alcoholic drink which is made in the American South
  • cold comfort (noun)
    1. if something that is slightly positive is cold comfort to someone who is feeling very bad about a situation, it does not make them feel any better
  • comfort food (noun)
    1. simple food that makes you feel relaxed and happy
  • comfort station (noun)
    1. a toilet that is available to the public
  • comfort woman (noun)
    1. a woman forced into prostitution for Japanese servicemen during World War II
  • comfort zone (noun)
    1. your comfort zone is the range of activities or situations that you feel happy and confident in
  • creature comfort (noun)
    1. informal any small item or detail that makes a person comfortable and at home
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