
Definition: Meaning of, cocoa in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkəʊkəʊ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
cocoa cocoas
  1. also cocoa powder a brown powder made from cocoa beans, used to make chocolate and to give a chocolate taste to foods
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  2. a sweet hot drink made with cocoa powder, sugar, and milk or water
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cocoa used in phrases

  • Dutch-processed cocoa (noun)
    1. such as baking soda cocoa powder treated with a mild alkalizing agent
  • cocoa bean (noun)
    1. the small seed of a tropical tree which is used to make cocoa
  • cocoa butter (noun)
    1. a fat obtained from the seeds of a tropical tree, used in making some COSMETICS
  • cocoa palm (noun)
    1. tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics
  • cocoa plum (noun)
    1. small tropical American tree bearing edible plumlike fruit
    2. plum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American
  • cocoa powder (noun)
    1. the powdery remains of chocolate liquor after cocoa butter is removed; used in baking and in low fat and low calorie recipes and as a flavouring for ice cream
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