
Definition: Meaning of, chromosome in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkrəʊməsəʊm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
chromosome chromosomes
  1. a part of every living cell that is shaped like a thread and contains the GENE s that control the size, shape etc that a plant or animal has
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chromosome used in phrases

  • X chromosome (noun)
    1. [countable] a type of CHROMOSOME that exists in pairs in female cells, and together with a Y CHROMOSOME in male cells
  • Y chromosome (noun)
    1. the part of a GENE that makes someone a male instead of a female [↪  X chromosome]
  • acentric chromosome (noun)
    1. a chromosome lacking a centromere
  • acrocentric chromosome (noun)
    1. a chromosome with the centromere near one end so that one chromosomal arm is short and one is long
  • chromosome mapping (noun)
    1. genetics the process of locating genes on a chromosome
  • metacentric chromosome (noun)
    1. a chromosome having two equal arms because the centromere is in median position
  • sex chromosome (noun)
    1. genetics a chromosome that determines the sex of an individual
  • somatic chromosome (noun)
    1. any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa
  • telocentric chromosome (noun)
    1. a chromosome like a straight rod with the centromere in terminal position
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