
Definition: Meaning of, child in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / tʃʌɪld /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
child children
  1. young person someone who is not yet an adult [=  kid]
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  2. son/daughter a son or daughter of any age
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  3. somebody influenced by an idea someone who is very strongly influenced by the ideas and attitudes of a particular period of history
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  4. somebody who is like a child someone who behaves like a child and is not sensible or responsible - used to show disapproval
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  5. something is child's play used to say that something is very easy to do
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  6. children should be seen and not heard an expression meaning that children should be quiet and not talk - used when you disapprove of the way a child is behaving
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  7. be with child old use to be PREGNANT
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  8. be heavy/great with child old use to be nearly ready to give birth
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child used in phrases

  • Child Support Agency, the
    1. a British government department which deals with CHILD SUPPORT . It can decide, for example, how much money a father should pay to support his children if he no longer lives with them.
  • child abuse (noun)
    1. the crime of harming a child physically, sexually, or emotionally
  • child benefit (noun)
    1. an amount of money that the British government gives to families with children
  • child molester (noun)
    1. someone who harms children by touching them in a sexual way, or trying to have sex with them
  • child neglect (noun)
    1. failure of caretakers to provide adequate emotional and physical care for a child
  • child pornography (noun)
    1. the illegal use of children in pornographic pictures or films
  • child prodigy (noun)
    1. a child who is unusually skilful at doing something such as playing a musical instrument
  • child psychology (noun)
    1. the branch of psychology that studies the social and mental development of children
  • child support (noun)
    1. money that someone pays regularly to their former wife or husband in order to support their children
  • child welfare agency (noun)
    1. an administrative unit responsible for social work concerned with the welfare and vocational training of children
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