
Definition: Meaning of, chemistry in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkɛmɪstri /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other [↪  biochemistry, biology, physics]
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  2. if there is chemistry between two people, they like each other and find each other attractive
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  3. the way substances combine in a particular process, thing, person etc
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chemistry used in phrases

  • chemistry department (noun)
    1. the academic department responsible for teaching and research in chemistry
  • chemistry lab (noun)
    1. a laboratory for research in chemistry
  • chemistry laboratory (noun)
    1. a laboratory for research in chemistry
  • chemistry set (noun)
    1. a box containing equipment for children to do simple chemistry at home
  • department of chemistry (noun)
    1. the academic department responsible for teaching and research in chemistry
  • inorganic chemistry (noun)
    1. the part of chemistry concerning the study of substances that do not contain CARBON [↪  organic chemistry]
  • interpersonal chemistry (noun)
    1. the way two individuals relate to each other
  • nuclear chemistry (noun)
    1. the chemistry of radioactive substances
  • organic chemistry (noun)
    1. the study of substances containing CARBON [↪  inorganic chemistry]
  • physical chemistry (noun)
    1. the branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances
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