
Definition: Meaning of, characteristic in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / karəktəˈrɪstɪk /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
characteristic characteristics
[countable usually plural]
  1. a quality or feature of something or someone that is typical of them and easy to recognize
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  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. very typical of a particular thing or of someone's character
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characteristic used in phrases

  • characteristic curve (noun)
    1. electronics graph showing how a particular characteristic of a device varies with other parameters
  • characteristic root of a square matrix (noun)
    1. mathematics any number such that a given square matrix minus that number times the identity matrix has a zero determinant
  • device characteristic (noun)
    1. electronics any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions
  • distinguishing characteristic (noun)
    1. an odd or unusual characteristic
  • frequency-response characteristic (noun)
    1. electronics a graph of frequency response with signal amplitude or gain plotted against frequency
  • primary sex characteristic (noun)
    1. genitals and organs of reproduction the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction
  • primary sexual characteristic (noun)
    1. genitals and organs of reproduction the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction
  • secondary sex characteristic (noun)
    1. pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction
  • secondary sexual characteristic (noun)
    1. pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction
  • sex characteristic (noun)
    1. both anatomical and psychological those characteristics that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
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