
Definition: Meaning of, casting in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkɑːstɪŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
casting castings
  1. [uncountable] the process of choosing the actors for a film or play [↪  cast]
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  2. [countable] an object made by pouring liquid metal, plastic etc into a MOULD (= specially shaped container)
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  3. the casting couch a situation in which an actress is persuaded to have sex in return for a part in a film, play etc - used humorously
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casting used in phrases

  • bait casting (noun)
    1. artificial the single-handed rod casting of a relatively heavy bait
  • casting lots (noun)
    1. straws or pebbles etc. making a chance decision by using lots that are thrown or drawn
  • casting vote (noun)
    1. the vote of the person in charge of a meeting, which can be used to make a decision when there is an equal number of votes supporting and opposing a proposal
  • central casting (noun)
    1. an organization that supplies actors for small roles in films, plays etc
    2. if you say that someone has come from central casting, you mean that they look like the perfect example of a particular type of person, as if an actor is playing the part
  • die casting (noun)
    1. the process of making metal objects by forcing liquid metal into a hollow container with a particular shape, and then allowing it to become hard
  • fly casting (noun)
    1. casting an artificial fly as a lure
  • surf casting (noun)
    1. up to 200 yards artificial casting bait far out into the ocean with the waves breaking around you
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