
Definition: Meaning of, carbon in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkɑːb(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
carbon carbons
  1. [uncountable] a chemical substance that exists in a pure form as diamonds, GRAPHITE etc, or in an impure form as coal, petrol etc. It is a chemical ELEMENT : symbol C
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  2. [uncountable and countable] CARBON PAPER
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  3. [countable] a CARBON COPY ( 1)
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carbon used in phrases

  • activated carbon (noun)
    1. as a slurry powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons
  • carbon 14 (noun)
    1. a radioactive isotope of carbon
  • carbon arc (noun)
    1. has carbon electrodes
  • carbon arc lamp (noun)
    1. has carbon electrodes
  • carbon atom (noun)
    1. an atom of carbon
  • carbon black (noun)
    1. a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink
  • carbon capture (noun)
    1. e.g. from burning fuel in a power plant the storage of carbon dioxide from an industrial process so that it does not enter the atmosphere and contribute to the global warming
  • carbon copy (noun)
    1. a copy, especially of something that has been TYPE d using CARBON PAPER [↪  cc]
    2. someone or something that is very similar to another person or thing
  • carbon cycle (noun)
    1. the organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again
    2. a thermonuclear reaction in the interior of stars
  • carbon dating (noun)
    1. a method of finding out the age of very old objects by measuring the amount of carbon in them
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