
Definition: Meaning of, camp in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / kamp /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
camp camps
  1. in the mountains/forest etc [uncountable and countable] a place where people stay in tents, shelters etc for a short time, usually in the mountains, a forest etc
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  2. prison/labour/detention etc camp a place where people are kept for a particular reason, when they do not want to be there
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  3. for children [uncountable and countable] a place where young people go to take part in activities, and where they usually stay for several days or weeks
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  4. group of people [countable] a group of people or organizations who have the same ideas or principles, especially in politics
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  5. military [countable] a permanent place where soldiers live or train
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
camp camped camped
Present Participle Third Person Singular
camping camps
  1. to set up a tent or shelter and stay there for a short time
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  2. go camping to visit an area, especially the mountains or a forest, and stay in a tent
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  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
camp camper campest
  1. a man who is camp moves or speaks in the way that people used to think was typical of HOMOSEXUAL s
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  2. also campy American English clothes, decorations etc that are camp are very strange, bright, or unusual
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camp used in phrases

  • Camp David
    1. the country home of US Presidents, where the President goes to relax. People remember it especially for the Camp David Agreement, which established peace between Egypt and Israel and was signed at Camp David in 1979.
  • Camp Fire
    1. an organization in the US for girls and boys, which teaches them practical skills and helps them develop their character
  • King Camp Gilette (noun)
    1. 1855-1932 united States inventor and manufacturer who developed the safety razor
  • POW camp (noun)
    1. a camp for prisoners of war
  • aide-de-camp (noun)
    1. a military officer whose job is to help an officer of a higher rank
  • boot camp (noun)
    1. a training camp for people who have just joined the US Army, Navy, or Marine Corps
  • break camp (verb)
    1. leave a camp
  • camp bed (noun)
    1. British English a light narrow bed that folds flat and is easy to carry [=  cot American English]
  • camp chair (noun)
    1. a light folding chair
  • camp down (verb)
    1. establish or set up a camp
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camp used in phrasal verbs

  • camp out (phrasal verb)
    1. to sleep outside, with or without a tent or other shelter
    2. to stay in a place without the furniture and equipment that you normally have
  • camp up (phrasal verb)
    1. camp it up to behave in a way that is deliberately artificial, especially in order to make people laugh at traditional ideas about how men and women should behave
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word of the day

Pronunciation: təˈrɛstrɪəl tʌɪm
Parts of Speech: noun
astronomy a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions