
Definition: Meaning of, brake in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / breɪk /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
brake brakes
  1. a piece of equipment that makes a vehicle go more slowly or stop
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  2. act as a brake on something to make something develop more slowly, be more difficult to do, or happen less
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  3. put the brakes on something to stop something that is happening
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
brake braked braked
Present Participle Third Person Singular
braking brakes
  1. to make a vehicle or bicycle go more slowly or stop by using its brake
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brake used in phrases

  • American rock brake (noun)
    1. rock-inhabiting fern of northern North America growing in massive tufts and having fronds resembling parsley
  • brake band (noun)
    1. a band that can be tightened around a shaft to stop its rotation
  • brake cylinder (noun)
    1. a cylinder that contains brake fluid that is compressed by a piston
  • brake disk (noun)
    1. a disk or plate that is fixed to the wheel; pressure is applied to it by the brake pads
  • brake drum (noun)
    1. a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes
  • brake failure (noun)
    1. brakes fail to stop a vehicle
  • brake fluid (noun)
    1. liquid used in certain kinds of brakes so that the different parts move smoothly
  • brake light (noun)
    1. a light on the back of a vehicle that comes on when you use the brake
  • brake lining (noun)
    1. the lining on the brake shoes that comes in contact with the brake drum
  • brake pad (noun)
    1. one of the pads that apply friction to both sides of the brake disk
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