
Definition: Meaning of, blooded in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈblʌdɪd /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. of unmixed ancestry
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blooded used in phrases

  • blue-blooded (adjective)
    1. a blue-blooded person belongs to a royal or NOBLE family
  • cold-blooded (adjective)
    1. not showing or involving any emotions or pity for other people's suffering
    2. a cold-blooded animal, such as a snake, has a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the air or ground around it [↪  warm-blooded]
  • full-blooded (adjective)
    1. done with a lot of energy or in a complete way
    2. having parents, grandparents etc from only one race of people
  • half-blooded (adjective)
    1. of animals having only one purebred parent
  • hot-blooded (adjective)
    1. having very strong emotions such as anger or love, that are difficult to control [=  passionate]
  • red-blooded (adjective)
    1. red-blooded male/Englishman/American etc used to emphasize that someone has all of the qualities that a typical man, Englishman etc is supposed to have - used humorously
  • warm-blooded (adjective)
    1. animals that are warm-blooded have a body temperature that remains fairly high whether the temperature around them is hot or cold
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